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8 Things That You Forget To Clean But Shouldn't


Always forgetful of something ? No matter the planning, these small things are always forgotten! Here is your reminder that you should clean these as soon as possible. 


You always put that off don’t you ? Cleaning your fridge weekly is suuuuper important as a lot of dirt and grime accumulate on it causing bacteria to spread. Toss all things about to go out, make sure to unplug your fridge. Soak the drawers and shelves in hot water before placing them back. 


You can always notice when your windows get dirty and need a good scrub, but window sills are often forgotten. Unfortunately the dirt and dust from outside tends to remain on the windowsills so its important to wipe them at least once a week. 

Kitchen drawers and cabinets

We often wipe the outside but forget the outside. If you also store food in your drawers and cabinets this can become an organizational nightmare so make sure to sort through at least once a month.

Shower curtains

You would think that it isn’t needed as often right ? Shower curtains can accumulate mildew and all the soap and shower gel. Make sure to throw your shower curtain in the wash at least once every few weeks. 


First off, make sure to organize your garage as this will make cleaning easier and also help you declutter. You would be surprised how many things you have accumulated that you do not use anymore. 

Your credit cards and cell phone

As you use them daily and especially in today’s context you should disinfect them at the end of the day. 


So often overlooked but they are very important as everything that you touched in the day remains on them also. 

Reusable grocery and laundry bags 

You use them almost daily and you leave them on the floor, the trunk of the car and then on the kitchen counter. Not to mention that they can contaminate your food also. You can throw them in the wash with your usual clothes in a normal cycle. 

Not in the mood ? We can help! We offer a variety of extra services that you can add to your base cleaning to make sure that these items are well taken care of and you won’t have to worry about them. Add your zip code below and explore our cleaning options.

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