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A Guide To Working As a Homeluxy Cleaner

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For your collaboration with Homeluxy the best way to work is to contract with our parent company as an independent contractor. This contract would define the services you provide to us, and the remuneration for the services done. Based on this contract and as an independent contractor you can issue invoices to us on a weekly/bi-weekly or even monthly basis, as you prefer. 

This is a guide to help you better understand the independent contractor status.

In order to obtain independent contractor status in Luxembourg you must register to the right government enterprise. 

You can find all the necessary information on the site guichet.public.lu.

The next step would be to register for social security.

You can find all the information you need here : https://guichet.public.lu/en/entreprises/sante-securite/declaration-secu/affiliation/affiliation-independant.html#bloub-1

The social protection system covers the risk of sickness, maternity, disability, death, old-age, occupational accidents and travel. In addition, insured persons enjoy other benefits such as family allowances and unemployment benefits.

For the taxation part you can find all the necessary information on https://guichet.public.lu/en/citoyens/impots-taxes.html .

Guichet.public.lu is a public space that offers you all the information any citizen of Luxembourg would require. The site is available in English, French and German. 

Next, we would need you to provide a document that attests that you have a clear criminal record. You can apply to obtain this online here: https://guichet.public.lu/en/actualites/2019/avril/17-demande-casier-judiciaire.html. This is applicable for the entire European Union. 

Once all of the above steps are completed and you have obtained your independent contractor status in Luxembourg, and you provide us with the clear criminal records, we will create the contract with you and we can start working together.

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