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What To Expect From A Professional Cleaning


So you have decided to opt for a professional cleaning ? That is a great decision! Outsourcing cleaning tasks to someone who is a trained professional  will give you more time to relax, enjoy your time and maybe even start a new hobby. 

What is the difference between a professional cleaning and the one that you can do yourself ? 

The professionals will be sure to use different techniques which they perfected with the hundreds of jobs that they did before and will make sure that everything is covered. From kitchens to bathrooms your home will be very thoroughly cleaned. 

What areas will they cover ? 

Firstly, this will depend on what was previously agreed upon. You can consult the article on how to make a correct booking with Homeluxy here. 

The ladies receive their instructions depending on the booking on the website and will follow those exact instructions. 

Can they stay longer if everything is not ready when they finish their time ? 

Unfortunately, our ladies are on a tight schedule and need to keep their schedule as previously agreed upon. It is good to note that a professional cannot transform your home in only one cleaning. While a single cleaning can make your home appear fresh and smell great, it may take a few regular cleanings to get rid of all the long term stains and dirt buildup. 

Can the cleaners tidy up before starting the cleaning ? 

No, the professionals are here only for the cleaning, and sometimes they are inclined to start tidying up and lose precious time for doing the service that they were hired to do. So, in order for the professional to do the cleaning he was hired for, please make sure that everything is tidied up before. 

Looking for a professional cleaning in Luxembourg for your home ? Book below our services! 

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